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Code Hilghliting

One of the primary features of MagicMotion is a code highlighting, powered by prismjs.


To use code highlighting, you'll need to install prismjs. You can choose any theme you like, or you can use prism-themes, which offers a wider selection of themes. All you need to do is import the styles and define the language used in the code snippet. In our case, it's javascript.

import { MagicMotion } from 'magic-motion';
import 'prismjs/themes/prism.css';

const App = () => {
const [animateTo, setAnimateTo] = useState();

const buttonHandler = () => {
setAnimateTo('const sum = (a, b) => a + b;');

return (
initialContent="const value = 5;"
languageName: 'javascript',
<button onClick={buttonHandler}>Animate</button>

export default App;

Specify the language

If the language you are using one of the following:

  • Markup - markup, html, xml, svg, mathml, ssml, atom, rss
  • CSS - css
  • C-like - clike
  • JavaScript - javascript, js

You don't need to import any additional modules from Prism.js. However, if you're using a language other than those listed above, your code should look like this:

import { MagicMotion } from 'magic-motion';
import 'prismjs/themes/prism.css';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-git.js';

const App = () => {
const [animateTo, setAnimateTo] = useState();

const buttonHandler = () => {
setAnimateTo('git rebase');

return (
initialContent="git commit -m 'My commit.'"
languageName: 'git',
<button onClick={buttonHandler}>Animate</button>

export default App;

In the example above, we are using the git language, which needs to be imported from Prism.js. You can find a list of all supported languages here.